Criminal Law
Robin represents clients who need criminal defense for traffic infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. She represents clients before they have even been charged in a range of cases, including drug crimes, violent crimes, domestic violence, DUIs, and white-collar and economic crimes.
She is frequently called upon to create and implement strategic investigative plans. Using her background as a prosecutor, Robin knows how to obtain usable evidence that may be necessary in pursuing or defending a case. Her techniques include background checks, stings, witness interviews, polygraphs, and computer forensic services.
Victim Advocacy
As a former prosecutor, Robin has unique abilities to navigate legal processes based on her experience in the fields of both legal and social work. Her strength-based, client-centered approach to practice helps people overcome complex issues at the most stressful points of their lives.
Strongly committed to ensuring vulnerable voices are heard, Robin's advocacy includes investigation, collaboration, and championing cases and causes. She developed specialties in domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, stalking restraining orders, and prison rights during her 20 years as a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney.
Marsy's Law:
In 2008, California amended its constitution to implement Marsy's Law, named for murder victim Marsy Nichols and intended to protect the rights of crime victims and their families.
Those accused of crimes have their rights read to them at the time of arrest. Under Marsy's Law, victims are informed of their enumerated rights as well. Surprisingly and sadly, victims rights get trampled on all the time, not just by the defendant or defense attorneys, but by the very people who are supposed to stand for justice —prosecutors, advocates, courts, and even the police.
I stand by victims and advocate for their rights. Although Marsy's Law significantly expands the rights of victims in California, sometimes you need a lawyer to ensure that expansion of rights is honored.
Under Marsy's Law, crime victims have 17 enumerated rights.
Family Law
Robin’s practice in family law is exclusive to Dear Co-Parent. Robin trained at the #1 ranked dispute resolution program in the country, The Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine School of Law. Robin received certification in alternative dispute resolution in 1997 while earning her JD. She was trained in mediation, negotiation, and arbitration. That training continued with over 40 hours of intense mediation with Forrest “Woody” Mosten, who remains a mentor.
Robin's philosophy toward expertly navigating simple and complex family conflicts is one of collaboration. In it, all parties are heard, children are prioritized, and people save money.
Trauma & Abuse Consultant and Expert Witness
Robin is often called upon by criminal and family lawyers for assistance in strategizing cases, writing expert reports, and testifying as an expert witness. She has provided expert services for both the prosecution and defense in criminal court, and for parties and lawyers in family court.
Her services include conducting forensic interviews of children and adults; preparing psychological assessments and testimony for criminal mitigation packets and pre-sentencing reports; assessing the risk defendants pose to the public; identifying whether individuals' behaviors are consistent with psychological diagnoses; and evaluating law enforcement interview techniques in child sexual abuse and molestation matters. Robin also evaluates parties and evidence for case weaknesses and strengths, and plans strategically on behalf of both victims and those suspected or accused of crimes.
Specific areas of specialty include:
- battered woman syndrome
- parental alienation
- effects of PTSD
- effects of sexual abuse and trauma
- child abuse
- interpersonal violence
- LGBTQ+ issues, specifically care of trans folks
- mental health readiness for gender-affirming surgery and treatment
Robin participates in divorce cases and on family law teams by working effectively with clients' counsel and/or mediator to formulate a strategy for ethically and effectively navigating the divorce process. Her clinical, therapeutic, and legal experience makes her a unique asset to clients.
Robin coaches clients learning to co-parent and communicate with their ex in a child-centered and effective manner that reduces conflict. She helps clients work through emotional turmoil, narcissistic exes, high-conflict people, and other difficult scenarios. Visit Dear Co-Parent for resources on family conflict communication and co-parenting services.